Where To Buy Aquarium Supplies

Explore a vast range of high-quality aquarium supplies at great prices. From fish food to tank decorations, find everything you need to create a thriving underwater world for your fish. 

Aquariums are a wonderful addition to any home or office, providing a glimpse into the fascinating underwater world. Whether you're a seasoned aquarist or a newbie to the hobby, setting up an aquarium can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

The Tank

The first and most important supply you'll need is, of course, the aquarium itself. The size and type of tank you choose will depend on a variety of factors, including your available space, the type and number of fish you want to keep, and your budget.

For beginners, a 20-30 gallon tank is a good starting point, as it provides ample space for a variety of fish and is easier to maintain than a smaller tank. You can choose between glass or acrylic tanks, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Glass tanks are more scratch-resistant but are more prone to breakage than acrylic tanks, while acrylic tanks are more lightweight and durable but can scratch more easily.


Once you've chosen your tank, the next essential supply you'll need is a filter. Filters help to keep the water in your aquarium clean and clear by removing debris, excess food, and waste products. There are several types of filters available, including power filters, canister filters, and sponge filters.

Power filters, also known as hang-on-back filters, are the most commonly used filters in aquariums. They are easy to install and maintain and provide excellent filtration for most aquariums. Canister filters are more powerful than power filters and are ideal for larger aquariums or tanks with high bioloads. Sponge filters are a good choice for small aquariums or tanks with young or delicate fish, as they provide gentle filtration without creating strong currents.


Decorations are an important part of any aquarium, providing hiding places and resting spots for your fish and adding aesthetic appeal to your underwater world. There are a variety of decorations to choose from, including artificial plants, rocks, driftwood, and caves.

When choosing decorations for your aquarium, it's important to keep in mind the type of fish you'll be keeping. Some fish prefer open spaces, while others like to hide in caves or under plants. Make sure to choose decorations that are appropriate for your fish and won't harm them.


Most fish require a specific temperature range to thrive, and a heater is essential to maintaining a consistent water temperature in your aquarium. Heaters come in a variety of sizes and styles and can be either submersible or non-submersible.

Submersible heaters are the most commonly used type of heater and are placed directly in the water. They are easy to install and maintain and come in a range of sizes to fit different aquariums. Non-submersible heaters are placed outside the aquarium and use a probe to monitor the water temperature.


Lighting is an important part of any aquarium, not only for aesthetic reasons but also for the health of your fish and plants. The type of lighting you choose will depend on the type of fish and plants you have in your aquarium.

Most aquariums require a light source that provides both white and blue light, as this mimics the natural sunlight that fish and plants require. LED lights are the most popular type of lighting for aquariums, as they are energy-efficient and provide a range of colors and intensities.


Substrate is the material that lines the bottom of your aquarium and provides a surface for your fish to swim and for plants to grow. There are several types of substrate to choose from, including gravel, sand, and crushed coral.

When choosing substrate for your aquarium, it's important to consider the needs of your fish and plants. For example, some fish prefer a sandy substrate, while others prefer gravel. Live plants require a nutrient-rich substrate, while artificial plants can be placed on any type of substrate.

Test Kits

Regular water testing is important to ensure the health of your fish and plants. Test kits are essential tools for monitoring the levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and other parameters in your aquarium. There are several types of test kits available, including liquid test kits and test strips.

Liquid test kits are more accurate than test strips and provide more detailed information about the water quality in your aquarium. They are more expensive than test strips but are a worthwhile investment for serious aquarists.

Fish Food

Providing a balanced diet for your fish is essential to their health and well-being. There are several types of fish food available, including flakes, pellets, freeze-dried, and frozen food. The type of food you choose will depend on the type of fish you have in your aquarium.

Flake food is the most commonly used type of fish food and is suitable for most types of fish. Pellets are a good choice for larger fish and bottom feeders, while freeze-dried and frozen food provide a more varied diet and are ideal for carnivorous fish.

Other Supplies

In addition to the essential supplies listed above, there are several other supplies that can make your aquarium-keeping experience more enjoyable and successful. These include:

  • Nets for catching and moving fish

  • Algae scrapers and brushes for cleaning the glass and decorations

  • Gravel vacuum for cleaning the substrate

  • Thermometer for monitoring the water temperature

  • Air pump and air stones for oxygenating the water

Starting an aquarium can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's important to have the right supplies to ensure the health and well-being of your fish and plants. Stop by your local aquarium supplies store, such as Petco, for all your supplies in one stop. By investing in quality equipment and taking the time to set up your aquarium properly, you can create a thriving underwater world that will provide enjoyment and relaxation for years to come. Remember to research the needs of your fish and plants and choose the supplies that are appropriate for your specific situation. With a little patience and dedication, you can create a beautiful and thriving aquatic environment in your own home or office.